
Chapter 1:-


Short answer questions

1. State the benefits of CAM.

2. Illustrate the concept of integrated CAD/CAM.

3. State any three advantages and limitations of group technology.

4. What is group technology?

5. What is meant by part family?

6. Write the different types of production lines

7. Define the terms CAD, CADD, CAE & CATD.

Chapter 2:-

INTRODUCTION TO NC, CNC AND DNC SYSTEMS (2×3=6, 1×8-8, total 14 marks)

Short answer questions

1. State the advantages of CNC-CMM.

2. Define i) NC ii) CNC iii) DNC

3. List out three applications of DNC.

4. Draw the line diagram of a CNC system.

5. State three applications of NC system.

6. State the advantages and limitations of NC manufacturing Systems over traditional manufacturing system.

7. Name the basic components of NC system.

Essay answer questions

1. Explain the manufacturing methodology of NC system, with a block diagram.

2. Discuss main constructional features of NC system, with a schematic diagram.

3. Explain the working of CNC – CMM with a neat sketch.

4. Compare NC, CNC and DNC systems.

5. Define DNC. Explain basic components of DNC, with a block diagram.

Chapter 3:-

CNC PROGRAMMING (1×8-8, total 8marks)

Essay answer questions.

1. Explain the steps involved in CNC part programming.

2. Develop a part program with appropriate assumptions for the following job from a shaft 25 mm diameter and 38 mm length to make a stepped shaft with the dimensions as shown in the figure given below. Take speed 3000rpm and feed 30 mm/min.

3. Write an NC part program for plain and taper turning as the component shown in the Figure below.

Assume the following cutting parameters.

1. Speed of the spindle 3000rpm

2. Feed rate 0.05mm/rev

3. The depth of the cut should not exceed 5mm.

Chapter 4:-

MATERIAL HANDLING SYSTEMS OF CAM (3×3-9, 1×8-8, total 17marks)

Short answer questions

1. Define a robot. And write six industrial applications of robot.

2. Define Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV).

3. List out the types of Robots.

4. What is an end effector? List different types of grippers.

5. State the difference between primary and secondary material handling systems.

6. State the requirements of material handling systems in CAM.

7. State the necessity of robots in manufacturing systems.

8. State the applications AGVS in manufacturing.

Essay answer questions

1. Draw neat sketch of an industrial robot and explain the function of each component.

2. What are the types of AGVS? Describe them with illustrations.

Chapter 5:-

FMS & RAPID PROTO-TYPING (3×3-9, 2×8-16, total 25 marks)

Short answer questions

1. Define flexible manufacturing system (FMS).

2. What are the basic components of FMS?

3. Write any three advantages and limitations of FMS.

4. What are the features of FMS?

5. Define CIM. List out any three principal components of CIM.

6. State any three benefits of CIM.

7. How do you classify rapid prototyping?

8. Define the reverse engineering

9. State any three advantages of rapid prototyping.

Essay answer questions

1. Describe the Components of FMS, with a block diagram.

2. Describe out the features, advantages and applications of FMS.

3. Explain the various types of flexibilities defined under FMS.

4. Define CIMS. Explain the necessity of CIMS in manufacturing industry.

5. Illustrate CIMS, and explain its three modules.

6. Explain the necessity and benefits of CIMS.

7. Explain the process of reverse engineering with a flow diagram.

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